Trauma-Informed Service Delivery

All human services organizations, regardless of their primary mission – legal services, foster care, elder care, mental health services, housing – can benefit from a trauma-informed approach. Many of the strategies and actions are free and can be effectively used by everyone at your organization.

During this training, learn what trauma-informed service delivery actually “looks like,” and walk away with specific strategies for “what you can do” and “what you can say” when working with individuals who have experienced trauma.

Watch Now: Trauma-Informed Service Delivery

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FPWA has recently been receiving claims from members of the public emailing and calling our offices that individuals posing as FPWA agents have contacted them claiming that in order for the recipient to claim grant monies from FPWA they must first send the agent personal information, a cell phone number, gift card codes or money.

FPWA does not use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), text messages or direct phone contact to solicit, review, or make awards. FPWA staff will not call or message you requesting money in order to be eligible for an award.

Further, FPWA does not make grants directly to individuals. FPWA works with its member agency partners and other reputable community-based organizations to direct support to families and individuals in our community.

If you or someone you know has been contacted by someone posing to be an “FPWA Agent” or staff person requesting money to release a grant, please do the following:

If you have questions prior to reporting your incident, view the IC3 FAQs for more information.

Learn more about Facebook Scams from the BBB