young activist writing on a piece of paper on a board

Research & Analysis-Driven Policymaking and Advocacy

We know that creating a more just city and state means providing direct support to New Yorkers now, and achieving big, bold policy change for the future. That’s why we use policy, advocacy, and research to advance economic and racial equity in New York City and State and bring about meaningful, structural reforms. Key issues of economic and racial equity include income security, living wages, a strong public benefits system, quality, affordable childcare and housing, education and employment opportunities, and a fair criminal justice system. However, in order to truly move towards equity, we know our work must also include structural and systemic reform.

A Look at the Numbers


million working-age households in New York are unable to meet basic needs.


a year falls far short of providing a family of four with the necessary resources to thrive and meet their basic needs. Unfortunately, this is the poverty threshold established by the federal government.


decrease in Federal and State funding over the last year for critical human services to children and families in NYC.


of the 125,000 human services workers are people of color, many of whom do not earn but deserve fair, livable wages.

True Cost of Living

Pervasive low wages have overwhelmed New York City’s workers. But they are also saddled with the burdens of inflation and a housing shortage that further increases New York’s housing costs. FPWA advocates for entrepreneurial, economic-boosting opportunities, transitional job programs, tax credits for working individuals, and the expansion of education and training opportunities for youth and adults who often face great barriers to gainful employment.

workers coop in nyc rally with signs that say "economic democracy now" and "invest in day laborer centers"
fpwa discussions around tables in conference space

Other Current Policies and Priorities

Our policy, advocacy, and research establishes policy priorities on an annual basis. As new issues emerge and existing ones evolve, FPWA rises to meet and address new challenges.

Reports and Briefs

The policy, advocacy and research unit of FPWA executes a focused policy agenda aimed at building a city of equal opportunity that strengthens New Yorkers.

FPWA's NYC Funds Tracker

Originally launched in 2019 as the Federal Funds Tracker, FPWA’s newly updated NYC Funds Tracker monitors federal, state and city funding to New York City’s human services agencies. The interactive data tool:

  • Is a user-friendly data tool that demystifies the budget as it relates to human services in New York City, and offers a comprehensive examination of the city’s revenue streams and expenditure decisions
  • Helps us analyze the fiscal health of the NYC human services sector and potential policy implications of human services funding levels
  • Can empower advocates, policymakers, and community members with the knowledge they need to help us fight for more equitable, and just budgeting, so that every New Yorker can live securely and with dignity
fpwa staff smiling

Make Your Voice Heard!

You can take action right now by viewing and signing one of our current petitions. Help us build a better New York for everyone.

Our Other Work

Advocating for impactful policy alone isn’t enough to create lasting change. FPWA works through other means to create a more equitable New York.

2 children laying on the ground reading

Strengthening Capacity to Build More Effective and Responsive Orgs

FPWA works to strengthen our Member Agencies, non-profit and faith-based organizations.

Raising Awareness, Educating and Mobilizing for Change

FPWA seeks to educate communities, legislators, and the public at large to drive social change and create a more just and equitable society.

Program and Practice Testing to Inform Policy Change

FPWA draws on the knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned on-the-ground to inform policy and systems-level change.

Get in Touch

Have a question you can’t find the answer to here? Need to contact an FPWA Board member or an FPWA staff member? Reach out to us!

Fulfilling the
Promise of

What does it take to thrive

in America today?

Measuring the True Cost of Economic Security

Learn more about the measure and the National True Cost of Living Coalition at

NYC Funds Tracker Dashboard and Analysis

The interactive open data dashboard helps you visualize and track the city budget, with a specific focus on the critical human services funding we rely on.

Don’t forget to also check out our new analysis

FPWA has recently been receiving claims from members of the public emailing and calling our offices that individuals posing as FPWA agents have contacted them claiming that in order for the recipient to claim grant monies from FPWA they must first send the agent personal information, a cell phone number, gift card codes or money.

FPWA does not use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), text messages or direct phone contact to solicit, review, or make awards. FPWA staff will not call or message you requesting money in order to be eligible for an award.

Further, FPWA does not make grants directly to individuals. FPWA works with its member agency partners and other reputable community-based organizations to direct support to families and individuals in our community.

If you or someone you know has been contacted by someone posing to be an “FPWA Agent” or staff person requesting money to release a grant, please do the following:

If you have questions prior to reporting your incident, view the IC3 FAQs for more information.

Learn more about Facebook Scams from the BBB